WhatsApp Frequently Forwarded Tags Make Way to Stable Version A WhatsApp official spokesperson has said about the launch of this new feature, “We have recently introduced an update to our forwarded message label that helps people identify when they have received messages that were previously forwarded several times, such as a chain message. These highly forwarded messages will be marked with a double arrow icon and users will receive a notice when they are forwarding such a message.” WhatsApp Looking forward to Launch WhatsApp Pay in India However, this is not it, and this is not the only feature that WhatsApp is looking forward to this year. The Facebook-owned messaging giant is also looking forward to the launch of one its more awaited service in India, that is WhatsApp Pay. The work of WhatsApp Pay has been in the making for quite some time now, but, WhatsApp Global Head Will Cathcart has said that the company plans to launch this new feature by the end of the year now. WhatsApp has been testing its payments services in India for a year now. However, it was yet to receive regulatory approval. The Supreme Court has asked the RBI to confirm WhatsApp’s compliance with the local data rules regarding its payments services. The RBI has been given six weeks to report the compliance to the SC.

WhatsApp Finally Introduces Frequently Forwarded Tags After a Year of Testing - 2