The Walking Dead series first premiered on October 31, 2010, on Halloween night. The 10-season series is one of the longest-running shows on AMC, making it one of the most watched channels, with people subscribing to the AMC+ in order to watch the new episodes a week earlier. The 11th season of the series has been launched soon, and viewers are curious to know all the details about when it is going to be available on Netflix. To walk out of this curiosity, let’s take a look at all the details regarding the new season of the show. It is being said that AMC can soon release the eleventh season of The Walking Dead (parts 1 and 2) on October 2, 2022. It is also said that AMC will wait until all of season 11 has aired and then release it on the streamer. Season 11 has been divided into three parts, and it is still not clear how it will be released on Netflix. Although it is quite clear now that there will be no other additional episodes to this season, and the final episode will be released on November 20, 2022. The last season (season 10) premiered on October 6, 2019, and the midseason finale of it premiered on November 24, 2019. The midseason (season 10) premiered on February 23, 2020, and the season finale of the same premiered on October 4, 2020. There came a long gap in the airing of episodes due to the pandemic that led to season 10c bonus episodes. The season 10 of the show was released on Netflix on July 26, 2021, which was almost one mother before the season 11 premiere. Season 10 of The Walking Dead was only released after season 10 was aired on AMC.

The Walking Dead Season 11 Netflix Availability - 76