Telegram is the only instant messaging app which competes directly with WhatsApp. The instant messaging app offers a variety of amazing features along with enhanced data security measures. Telegram has introduced an array of new features to improve the experience for users. The list of new features includes in-app video editor, animated stickers, speaking gifs and many more. Not only this, but Telegram has also updated its security features and announced two-step verification for its users. Telegram new features will enhance the user chat and browsing experience. Also, users will have to worry about data and privacy breach after the introduction of two-step verification.

In-App Video Editor Will Help Users Edit Videos in Two Taps

The new in-app video editor tool launched by Telegram will help the users to edit their videos in just two taps easily. We all know that video editing is tricky and difficult. But the video enhancement feature will offer various tools to users like saturation, brightness and zoom in-option while drawing. With the help of all the tools, users will be able to edit videos in the easiest and comfortable way.

Two-Step Verification Will Protect App Data of Users

Telegram always ensures that its users don’t worry about the data breach. The instant messaging app has introduced the Two-step verification from a data security perspective. To enable the two-step verification feature, users will have to click on Privacy and Security option and select the two-step verification feature. After that, users will have to set up a new password and enter it twice, which will be followed by a password hint. Once the Two-step verification is enabled in the users account, any suspicious person who is trying to log in from a new device will have to know the password along with OTP.

Cache Memory Management Tool Will Clean-up Storage

Telegram has also introduced a Cache memory management tool which will clean-up the storage as per the convenience of users. To enable the feature, users will have to Data and Settings option and click on storage usage to see the composition of media files. Users will also get the option to select a scale from when they want to keep their previous data ranging from 3 days to forever. With the feature, Telegram will delete unassessed files. However, users will be able to re-download the data from Telegram cloud in case if they need the files back.

Animated Stickers Will Enhance User Chat Experience

Telegram has launched various animated stickers which can be placed in photos and videos while editing. With the feature, users will be able to turn their normal photo and video in GIFs. Also, the instant messaging app has introduced speaking GIFs which will enhance the user chat experience. Users will also get flexible chat management folders along with functional animations. The functional animations have been reintroduced by Telegram for a smooth and better experience. Telegram has introduced all the new features to ensure that users have a smooth browsing experience. Also, the instant messaging app has focused on data security of users. Since the launch, Telegram has been offering some of the most amazing features to its users which sets the app apart from rivals. One of the features which intrigue the users is media sharing. Telegram allows the users to share unlimited files up to 1.5GB to other users. Another feature which sets apart the instant messaging app from its rival is the broadcasting groups. In Telegram, users can create groups for up to 200,000 people for broadcasting to countless audiences. Users can expect that Telegram will be adding more new exciting features in future and give a tough competition to its rival WhatsApp.

Telegram Gets In App Video Editor  Two Step Verification and More Features With Latest Update - 42