Fast Media Viewer Firstly, Telegram has rolled out fast media viewer, which will allow the users to browse media files just by tapping the right or left edges on the screen. Users must note that this update will work on all media sections in the app. Fast Media Viewer will also work with other new updates rolled out by Telegram. Updated Profile Pages Next on the list, Telegram has updated and redesigned all profile pages on the app. With the updates, users will be able to browse through the profile pictures of their saved contacts with ease. Not only this, as per the words of a blog post from Telegram, all the profiles on the app will be more functional, and users will be able to easily see photos, videos and links which they have shared with other persons on the app. People Nearby 2.0 Finally, on the list, Telegram has introduced People Nearby 2.0. This update was rolled out by the company back in June, which allowed users to exchange their contact information. With the latest update, users will be able to connect and meet with new people. To experience the latest update, users have to head over to the contacts section and click on the Add People Nearby. In this section, they’ll be able to see all the nearby active profiles who have enabled the new feature. Users will also get the option to make their profile visible by tapping on Make Myself Visible, which will allow other people to find your profile. Lastly, Telegram has also rolled out new animated emojis. As after the update users will get 17 animated emojis. These are all the new features rolled out in Telegram v5.15. Users should update their applications on their respective app stores to enjoy the new features.

Telegram 5 15 Rolls Out New Features Like Fast Media Viewer  People Nearby 2 0 and Updated Profile Pages - 57