OnePlus Z, the upcoming mid-range device from the OnePlus stable could carry a price tag of Rs 24,990, a PayBack survey reveals. PayBack, a multi-brand loyalty program that enables users to earn reward points through user surveys, is said to have sent its users a survey on OnePlus Z. The survey has revealed the specifications and the price tag of the upcoming mid-range device from OnePlus. It has to be noted that the OnePlus Z is the first mid-range device from OnePlus in nearly four years as the company largely focused on the flagship devices post OnePlus X.
OnePlus Z: Specifications and Features
According to the survey posted by an user on an online forum DesiDime and initially spotted by XDA Developers, the upcoming mid-range would be powered by the Snapdragon 765 platform. Additionally, the device will have a triple camera system in the rear with an 64 MP primary shooter coupled with an 16MP and 2MP shooters. The OnePlus Z would come with a 6.55-inch Super AMOLED display with a 90Hz screen refresh rate and a punch-hole design for the 16MP selfie camera. The mid-range device would be equipped with an 4300mAh battery with support for 30W fast charging. The OnePlus Z will likely have an in-display fingerprint reader while one of the variants could feature an 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. It has to be noted that the upcoming mid-range device from OnePlus was initially leaked as the OnePlus 8 Lite and was scheduled to launch on the same day as the OnePlus 8 series. However, the company pushed back the device to July with the device now tipped to arrive sporting the OnePlus Z identity.
OnePlus Z: Price and Availability
While the PayBack survey revealed a price tag of Rs 24,990 for the upcoming mid-range device, the availability of the device wasn’t highlighted. However, AndroidCentral through its “reliable source” within the company is reporting that the device will be unveiled on July 10 in India. OnePlus has not provided an official launch date for the device. However, the company is scheduled to unveil two smart TVs at affordable price on July 2 and it could be possible that OnePlus might end up revealing its mid-range device on the same day.