On August 1, 2022, OnePlus launched the OnePlus Nord Buds in India. These are quite affordable Truly Wireless Stereo (TWS) earphones from the company and will be available from August 4, 2022, in India. OnePlus has gone ahead with a very subtle launch for the earphones as it gears for the big launch of the OnePlus 10T 5G on August 3, 2022. It will be interesting to experience what the OnePlus Nord Buds CE sound like. Let’s take a look at the specifications and price of the earbuds.
OnePlus Nord Buds CE Price
The OnePlus Nord Buds CE has launched in India for a price of Rs 2,299. It will be available for customers starting August 4, 2022, via the official OnePlus Store app and Flipkart. There could be some purchase offers, but they are not present in the product video released by the company on its official YouTube channel.
OnePlus Nord Buds CE Specifications
The OnePlus Nord Buds CE come with a very stylish and cool design. These earbuds are compact and come with 13.4mm dynamic drivers for a rich sound experience. OnePlus said that the Nord Buds CE could deliver 20 hours of audio playback when they are fully charged and are used with the charging case if the volume is kept at 50%. On that assumption, you are likely going to get something around 12 to 15 hours of performance from the earbuds if you like to keep the volume around 70% to 80%. There’s a USB Type-C charging port, and the earbuds also support Sound Master Equalizer for a more personal audio experience for the consumers. At the price these earbuds are selling for, they will definitely create some hype in the market. How exactly they sound and perform is what will matter at the end of the day. Thus, it would be better to look out for a review of the product before you purchase it.