Motorola Moto Edge 30 Pro is spotted on the Bluetooth SIG website ahead of the global launch event. The SIG listing shows that the smartphone comes with a variant number XT-2201-1. The same listing also confirms that the phone is a rebranded version of Edge X30 launched in China, bearing the model number XT-2201-2. Motorola had teased the launch of Moto Edge 30 Pro via a poster, which said that the launch event would take place on February 24. Moto Edge 30 Pro Indian launch is also expected on the same day as the company’s Indian division shared the poster. However, the device could feature a different moniker in the Indian market. As Motorola launched the Edge X30 in China, the design and specs are expected to remain unchanged. Earlier, 91Mobiles had shared the design renders of the Moto Edge 30 Pro.
Moto Edge 30 Pro Specifications
Motorola Moto Edge 30 Pro is rumoured to feature a 6.7-inch OLED FHD+ display with 2400 x 1080 pixels resolution. It may come with a 144Hz high refresh rate and a 576Hz touch sampling rate. The screen is also expected to support HDR10+ and the DCI-P3 colour gamut. An in-display fingerprint sensor and a punch-hole cutout are featured on its display. The smartphone will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chipset coupled with 12GB of RAM and 512GB of storage. Moto Edge X30 runs on Android 12 OS with MyUI 3.0 clean stock UI on top. On the back, Motorola Moto Edge X30 has a triple camera setup with a dual 50MP primary OV50A40 sensor, a 5MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 2MP third-sensor. For selfies, there is a 60MP camera on the front. The smartphone has a 5000mAh battery with 68W fast charging capabilities.
Moto Edge X30 Expected Price
In China, the 8GB/128GB version Moto Edge X30 costs RMB 3,199 (about Rs 38,000), RMB 3399 (roughly Rs 40,300) for the 8GB/256GB model, and RMB 3,599 (roughly Rs 42,700) for the 12GB/256GB model. The 128GB/256GB variant of the special edition Moto Edge X30 costs RMB 3,999 (about Rs 47,500).