Lenovo Legion Y70 is expected to debut in China on August 18. In the lead-up to its release, the business has disclosed a number of important details about this smartphone. A Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC from Qualcomm will power the device. It will have a 5,100mAh battery that is compatible with 68W Super FlashCharge quick charging. Additionally, Lenovo has provided comprehensive information about the 50MP primary camera included with this phone. It has already been verified to have a centre frame made of CNC metal and a body that is 7.99mm thin.
Lenovo Legion Y70 specifications and features
In a series of posts on Weibo, Lenovo has disclosed several of the Lenovo Legion Y70’s most important features. It has been verified that the smartphone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC. A 5,100 mAh battery inside the phone will support 68W Super FlashCharge quick charging. According to this technique, after 34 minutes of charging, the battery backup can reach up to 80%. Additionally, it is stated that the battery can support up to 8.5 hours of gaming, up to 18 hours of video playback, and up to 35 hours of music playback. A 50MP primary camera will be the centre of the triple-back camera system on the Lenovo Legion Y70. According to Lenovo, the phone’s 1/1.5-inch CMOS image sensor can record 8K films at 30 frames per second. Both optical image stabilisation (OIS) and electrical image stabilisation are included with the sensor (EIS). A 2MP depth sensor with an IR filter and a 13MP wide-angle/macro 2-in-1 sensor is added to the main sensor. On August 18 at 7 PM CST/ 4:30 PM IST, Lenovo will hold a launch event in China to introduce the Lenovo Legion Y70. This smartphone weighs roughly 209g and is 7.9mm thin. Three colours—red, black, and silver—will be offered.