Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced 5G services on October 1 during the sixth India Mobile Congress (IMC), 2022. Leading telecom provider Reliance Jio announced during the inauguration that it would offer the service in four locations and rival Bharti Airtel in eight. Both businesses declared that the service would be expanded next year. A faster internet connection is promised by 5G mobile networks. Internet speeds on 5G could reach 10 Gbps at its maximum, compared to the 100 Mbps high on 4G. Simply put, 5G will give users higher download and upload rates. It seems like every day, 5G service is expanding. It is encouraging to see that the businesses are following their word and accelerating the rollout of 5G services throughout India. Currently, there is fees associated with using Airtel and Jio’s 5G services. It’s excellent that telecom firms are giving it away for free and that 5G doesn’t even require users to switch their SIM cards. Keep in mind that not all Reliance Jio customers can receive 5G services because the business sends 5G Welcome Offer invitations to clients at random. In other words, if you’re lucky, you’ll receive it. However, since everyone can receive 5G thanks to Airtel, people don’t need to worry about this. To make your phone’s 5G service operational, simply pick the 5G network in the network settings of your mobile device. You are now ready to go. All you need to do is ensure that your smartphone is 5G compatible and that you live in a 5G-capable location.

List of Indian Cities With Jio 5G Service

Hyderabad Bengaluru Mumbai Chennai Varanasi Kolkata Gurugram Delhi Noida Ghaziabad Faridabad Other Delhi-NCR regions

List of Indian Cities With Airtel 5G Service

Pune Delhi Mumbai Chennai Hyderabad Bengaluru Panipat Gurugram Siliguri Bengaluru Nagpur Varanasi Jio and Airtel Rolling Out 5G to More Cities as they Become 5G Ready - 41