itel Vision 1: Specifications and Features Going by the Rs 5,499 price tag, we can clearly say the itel Vision 1 is an entry-level handset aimed at taking on the Redmi 7A which is probably the go-to device right now under Rs 6,000. The itel Vision 1 flaunts a 6-inch HD+ screen with a resolution of 720x1560 pixels and 19.5:9 aspect ratio. The company says the device will offer 500 nits of peak brightness and it’s an IPS LCD panel as expected in the price range. Under the hood, we get an octa-core Unisoc SC9863A chipset, clubbed with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The phone also offers a microSD card slot for storage expansion up to 32GB. The itel Vision 1 comes backed by a 4000mAh battery and it lacks fast charge support. Cameras on the handset include an 8MP primary sensor on the back and a 0.08MP secondary sensor. On the front, we get a 5MP shooter for selfies. As mentioned, the itel Vision 1 offers a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner along with software-based Face Unlock feature. Connectivity options include Dual 4G, VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, GPS and Micro USB port. itel Vision 1: Pricing and Availability in India The itel Vision 1 comes in a single variant which is priced at Rs 5,499. The variant packs 2GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage which is a good thing to see. The handset can be picked via major retail stores in the offline market. The company is also bundling an itel Bluetooth headset worth Rs 799 with every unit. The phone retails in Gradation Black, Gradation Blue and Gradation Purple colour options.