Independent TV to Process Refunds for Disconnection The new tweet by Independent TV reads, “Dear Customers, the courts have approved the reconnection of Satellite signals for Independent TV. Due processes are underway for compliance with the relevant Govt. department directions. This process is taking time. Every effort is being made to resume services as soon as possible. We will keep you informed. Due credit will be given to customers for the period of disconnection in their wallets. We regret the inconvenience being caused till then.” It is worth noting that the first half of the message put up by Independent TV is similar to the one it put up a few weeks back, ensuring subscribers of reconnection in 6-8 days. However, last time around Independent TV had not talked about returning any amount to its customers. But, now it seems that as the dissatisfaction of the consumers is rising, Independent TV is getting on the track to returning the due amount to the subscribers. The amount which the subscribers will receive will be directly proportional to the number of days they faced disconnection. But, then again, Independent TV has not talked about any dates when they will start reimbursing the credit to the subscribers’ accounts. The Tussle Between Antrix and Independent TV Independent TV had faced disruption in signals from its Satellite service provider, Antrix Corporation due to non-payment. After defaulting on the payment dates, Antrix had encashed bank guarantees worth Rs 15 crore to make up for the lost payment. However, the Telecom Disputes and Settlements Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) had directed Independent TV to either pay cash of Rs 5.83 crores with Rs 6 crores worth of bank guarantees to Antrix or furnish Rs 12 crores worth of bank guarantees to the service provider to resume the connection. Antrix, which is the commercial arm of ISRO, was to receive the bank guarantees by July 6 as per the date given by the court. Around the same time, Independent TV had put up information ensuring its subscribers of reconnection. However, that doesn’t seem to be happening, and there has been no confirmation about payment from Independent TV’s side.