Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has hiked the price of the Rs 1498 data voucher. It is a direct hike which BSNL said will be applicable from July 1, 2022. The same voucher will now cost users Rs 1515. The benefits will be the same – 2GB of daily data with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after. The validity of this plan is 365 days. While it is not a big jump, it is worth noting that BSNL has been reducing the benefits of its multiple prepaid plans. TelecomTalk earlier reported about the reduction in benefits (indirect tariff hike) of the Rs 99, Rs 118 and Rs 319 plans. But, BSNL has also reduced the benefits of Rs 999 and Rs 1499 plans. Let’s take a look at the old and new benefits.
BSNL Rs 999 Plan Old vs New Benefits
The Rs 999 plan from BSNL used to come with a validity of 240 days earlier, but from July 1, 2022, the plan’s validity has been reduced to 200 days. So, the cost of using the plan has gone up from Rs 4.16 to Rs 4.99. That is quite a difference. Users get unlimited voice calling with this plan for 200 days and free PRBT for 2 months. There are no SMS or data benefits bundled with this plan.
BSNL Rs 1499 Plan Old vs New Benefits
The Rs 1499 plan from BSNL comes with unlimited voice calling + 100 SMS/day + 24GB data. This has not changed. But the validity of the plan has been reduced to 336 days from 365 days earlier. This means, the daily cost of the plan has jumped from Rs 4.10 to Rs 4.46, which is not much big of a difference. By reducing the validity of these plans, BSNL has indirectly increased the cost of its services for the consumers. The state-run telco has been making many changes to its offering over the last few days and all of it is happening before the 4G launch in India.