Even though 5G is still rolling out in several parts of the world, technocrats are eyeing the 6G technology. In the recent development in the 6G bubble, South Korea is planning to deploy the first-ever 6G network by the end of 2028. Not only this, but the nation will also structure a program to curate the core standards and technologies in the period of five years. Spreading light on the budgetary plans, the Korean government has unfolded the five-year plan to spend nearly $193 million on the development of 6G core technologies.
South Korea Aims to Lead International Market in the 6G Era
Lim Hye-sook, who is the Science and ICT minister, stated that since the next generation of mobile networks will be the pillar for digital transformation, South Korea intends to play smart and bold move to lead the international market in the 6G era based on the field experiences. To accelerate the development of 6G technologies, multiple collaboration and agreements are being signed in the region. As reported by RCR wireless, the Institute for Information communication Technology Planning and Evaluation (IITP) which is the state body of the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT, has signed an agreement with the US-based agency National Science Foundation (NSF) to carry out joint researches in 6G technologies. Apart from this, the Korean tech giant LG signed two deals with the US-based firm Keysight Technologies and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to carry out research on future 6G technologies.
Entire Globe is Shaping the 6G Framework
Earlier, 6G was dubbed as a long lost dream. However, nations around the globe are heavily investing in the development of the 6G network. Countries like China, the United States and European Union have already launched various programs and partnerships to shape the 6G framework. Tracing back to February developments, a 6G research program was announced with the presence of several major European vendors. On the other side, the US operators have already committed to the next G alliance, which has been established with the primary goal of defining 6G technology. It would be interesting to see how the 6G ecosystem will be developed by technocrats around the globe.